Basilisk Wins Second Parachain Slot
Dear frens of the most feared reptile,
We are pleased to inform you that after winning Kusama parachain auction #47, Basilisk has successfully transitioned to its second parachain slot for the lease periods 23-30 (ending on or around 20 July 2023).
We would also like to point out that Snek has been self-sufficient in raising the funds needed to secure its second parachain slot. Instead of launching a crowdloan, we placed the bids directly from our parachain account using our own team funds. This means that the second parachain lease comes at no expense to existing BSX holders, who are not diluted by another crowdloan campaign.
The events that literally took place in the past 3 weeks are of monumental importance to us, because they have helped us deliver upon our unwritten pledge to the Basilisk crowdloaners from a year ago. BSX token transfers were unlocked, we launched our own DEX allowing you to trade BSX for aUSD/KSM, and we secured another parachain slot without having to allocate more BSX rewards.
Now that all of this is out of the way, it is time to look into the future, and it looks bright for Snek!
Our upcoming Liquidity Mining functionality will add compelling incentives for users to become long-term liquidity providers to the existing Basilisk Swap pools. We believe that this will result in deeper liquidity on the Basilisk chain, bringing Snek one step closer to becoming the liquidity platform of choice in Kusama.
The ambitions of Snek are not confined to fungibles, however. As you know from our latest posts, Basilisk is also aiming to cater to the liquidity needs of NFT projects. Our NFT Marketplace (in collab with KodaDot) is about to be released very soon with unique features such as royalty fees, and the ability to make an offer for unlisted NFTs. At a later point, a fully fledged auction functionality is about to follow which will provide users with more exciting ways to flip their jpegs.
Finally, we are working on implementing our Redeemable NFTs functionality, which will allow fans of the Snek to obtain some timeless and exclusive merch (forget about them socks).
– the Basilisk team